Pungo Palms Nurery 126281

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We are open all year now!! Appointment only hours 10 to 5pm

 Pungo Palms Nursery Cool

Pungo Palms Nursery is a small nursery owned by Ralph and Kathy Denton.  It is located at latitude 36 degrees and 42 minutes north and longitute 75 degrees and 59 minutes west. 

We have a unique mild climate due to our location approxiametly .5 miles inland from Back Bay, Virginia.  We are 2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

We started growing palms as a hobbie and decided to open our nursery to the public 14 years ago.

Pungo Palms is a "nitch" nursery specializing in plants that will give an owner a unique subtropical landscape. 

Our nursery plants can be divided into the following catagories: cold hardy palms, cold hardy citrus, and many desert plants, and other exotics.


How to contact us:

Pungo Palms Nursery

 1201 North Muddy Creek Road

             Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456-4133

Phone: (757)426-3677




Hardy citrus


 How we grow our plants

Pungo Palms Nursery is differant from other local nurseries.  We are the only nursery that actually grows our plants from seed.  Each fall we collect seeds from the palms in our landscape and propegate seedlings.  "You might say Virginian Grown Palms".

Because we grow our palms from seed, this is a process that takes years to grow the plants to a marketable size. Most commerical nurseries cannot afford to expend the time and effort to grow this way, so they basically retail the palms. 

Another important differance is that we grow our plants in pots.  Because we grow our plants in pots, we can assure our customers that the plants have a healthy intact root system,(not balled and burlaped).  As a result, our palm transplant better and have a better success rate during their first several years in the ground. 


What we grow in our nursery

Cold hardy palm were our first love,  we have expanded our collection with other plants.